Link between worlds zelda model
Link between worlds zelda model

  • It was never established that Lorule's Triforce embodies the opposite of the other's virtues.
  • Hilda lacked the wisdom to realize that the path she's walking down was the very reason why they destroyed their Triforce in the first place, as well as that she could have just asked Zelda for aid and use Hyrule's Triforce to restore Lorule's, thus saving both worlds, and Yuga was weak enough for Link to defeat twice (though the first time he was clearly underestimating him) before he merged with Ganon.
  • If the Dark Triforce is the embodiment of the inverse traits of the Light Triforce, as revealed by Ravio the coward being the Lorule Link, shouldn't Hilda be ignorant and Yuga be weak?.
  • That’s one reason why the two settings have so much in common.

    link between worlds zelda model

    A Link Between Worlds was originally intended to be a remake of A Link to the Past, rather than a distant sequel.In fact we visit both Lorule and Hyrule's Sacred Realms in this game. Lorule drinks heavily from A Link to the Past's version of the Dark World, but it's more like a paralel universe, akin to Termina (while the Dark World is more deeply connected to Hyrule itself, being a corrupted version of its closest analogue to a heaven, the Sacred Realm). Just like we have two mirrors with dark tribes sealed within, a bunch of swords that look and act like the Master Sword, a lot of sacred powers passed down the royal family bloodline, etc. Nintendo just likes reusing themes without actually connecting them.The differences are a little bigger than the single event that differs between the AT and the DT, but it's still closer to them than, say, Termina is. It has its own Sacred Realm, for instance. Lorule actually seems to be more of an Alternate Universe rather than just a world in the same multiverse.Presumably it exists in the other timelines, but we've just never seen it before. Lorule isn't so much an alternate universe so much as it and Hyrule are part of the same multiverse.

    link between worlds zelda model

    There are the Adult Link and Child Link timelines, then there is the timeline where the Hero of Time loses, which is where this game takes place. Post Ocarina of Time, there are 3 main time lines. and this makes how many Alternate Universes? It's effectively a what-if universe where the Triforce was destroyed instead of sealed in the Sacred Realm. It's a thematically similar, but distinct, alternate world.

  • Is Lorule in the Dark World, as is suggested by the background music and the Thief's Hideout?.
  • Still a pretty odd design choice, though.
  • For what it's worth, the shield's description says "A shield based on Hylian design," implying it was made to look like a Hylian Shield rather than actually being one.
  • Nowhere else in the game is Lorule called the Dark World.
  • The designers must have been pretty dumb to make an oversight like that.
  • The Hylian Shield appearing in a Lorulean dungeon would’ve made more sense since Lorule was supposed to be the Dark World. After all, there would probably have to be other ways to pass through fissures than just merging into a wall, and it would have explained some of how Hilda came to know so much about Hyrule and its Triforce.

    link between worlds zelda model

    It'a also possible that, at some point in the distant past, there was some contact between Hyrule and Lorule, possibly between their dignitaries, and the shield was passed from Zelda's ancestors to Hilda's as a gift and subsequently hidden as one of the treasures inside Turtle Rock.Alternatively, it was placed there by the powers that be, in order to help Link.

    link between worlds zelda model

    As for the shield itself, with its Hyrulean elements (the Triforce pointing up), the above is probably right. So it's possible that the pointy-eared inhabitants of Lorule are also called Hylian. Hylian is the race (revealed to be named after the goddess Hylia in Skyward Sword), Hyrulean is the nationality of people born in Hyrule. It's worth mentioning that "Hylian" has no real connection to "Hyrule".Maybe someone stole it (is "Lolian" even used in the game?) from Hyrule and left it there.What is the Hylian Shield doing in Lorule? It's the equivalent of finding a Lolian Shield complete with inverted Triforce in Hyrule.

    Link between worlds zelda model